3 Telltale Symptoms of Childhood Acid Reflux Disease


While acid reflux disease is commonly associated with adults, it can also develop in children and even babies. It can be challenging to diagnose reflux disease in infants without performing medical tests because babies are unable to voice their complaints.

Acid reflux disease refers to when stomach acid is "refluxed," or escapes from the stomach and travels into the upper digestive tract, leading to the most common symptoms of heartburn. While pediatric and infant care for acid reflux is similar to that of adult acid reflux, the symptoms may differ between children and older patients. Here are three telltale symptoms of childhood acid reflux disease and what you can do about them:

Nasal Congestion

If your child always has nasal congestion or a stuffy nose, despite the presence of a cold or allergies, he or she may have acid reflux disease. When stomach acid travels into the upper esophagus and throat, it can make its way into the sinuses, leading to nasal irritation and subsequent congestion.

Your child is more likely to experience nasal congestion due to acid reflux when lying down. Sleeping sitting up can keep stomach acid down by way of gravity so that nasal irritation is less likely to develop. Using an over-the-counter saline nasal spray can also help soothe sinuses affected by acid reflux, which may help to relieve congestion.


Coughing is another possible symptoms of acid reflux disease. Stomach acid is very irritating to the throat, and in addition to coughing, you may notice that your child is constantly clearing his or her throat. When acid from the stomach reaches the throat, an inflammatory response can occur.

This can lead to increased mucus production which then causes constant throat clearing. Keeping your child well-hydrated by drinking plenty of water can help maintain comfort. Not only does water help thin out mucus, but it can also help dilute irritating stomach acid so that it is not as caustic to the delicate tissue of the larynx and pharynx. 


If your child starts wheezing for no apparent reason, acid reflux may be to blame. Stomach acid can irritate your child's trachea, causing a "twitchy airway." When this occurs, your child may develop an inspiratory wheeze, which refers to wheezing when breathing in.

An expiratory wheeze may also develop in children with acid reflux disease, and this refers to wheezing upon expiration, or breathing out. If your child starts wheezing and is having difficulty breathing, do not assume that acid reflux is the culprit. Seek prompt medical attention to determine the cause so that an effective treatment plan can be implemented. 

If your child develops any of the above symptoms, see your pediatrician.  In emergency situations, however, or if your pediatrician is unavailable, health care clinics or hospital emergency departments can quickly determine the cause of your child's symptoms so that a normal pattern of breathing can be obtained as soon as possible. 

To learn more about childhood acid reflux and its treatments, check out http://www.bfpclinic.com and talk to a pediatrician.


7 March 2017

learning how to tend to sick and injured kids

My name is Dan and this is my blog. I am a recently singled father of three that is learning everything about caring for my kids as I go along. Before my wife passed, she was the one that took care of the kids when they were sick or injured, so I had a lot of learning to do and I had to do it as quickly as possible. I got together with some of the parents from my kids' school and they helped out quite a bit. I created my blog for two reasons - to keep my facts straight and to help other parents learn what I have struggled to learn.