Tips For Helping Someone You Love During Chemo


If someone you love is going through cancer, you might wonder how you can help to make the burden lighter. Dealing with a cancer diagnosis is not only physically draining, but it can be tough emotionally and mentally as well. The support of friends of family can make a huge difference through all the stages of treatment and recovery with cancer care services.

One of the most common treatments for cancer is chemotherapy. Most people know that chemo can be a very challenging treatment, and many patients become extremely weak and sick. Here's what you can do to help a friend during this time. 

Take Care of Practical Day-to-Day Matters

Many people on chemotherapy treatments are unable to do very much because of how ill they become. If your friend has home obligations (such as caring for children or preparing meals for the family), step in to the fill in the gaps.

Make freezer meals so that cooking is not needed. All the family has to do is turn on the oven. You and other friends might trade off bringing hot meals over. Check to make sure your friend doesn't have any dietary restrictions as part of their treatment. 

Come to the home twice a week to do laundry and do basic chores. Don't forget about less common work, like cleaning out the fridge or emptying the bathroom trash can. 

Offer to walk the family dog or temporarily adopt pets so that the pet still gets the care it needs. Pets can get neglected when a family is struggling to manage such a serious illness. 

In most cases, it's best to assume that these things will need to be done. Often, if you simply say, "Call if you need something," the family might not know what services you are willing to provide. Offer specific things you can do, and then wait for the family to accept. 

Provide Pick-Me-Ups

Spending days or weeks very sick because of chemotherapy side effects can take its toll on your friend's emotional state. Pick-me-ups can make a world of difference and help your friend to be human again. There are easy ways to provide some cheer.

You might bring over a gift card to your friends favorite store. Many people lose weight during cancer treatment, so they may need some new clothes that aren't just sweats or pajamas. If your friend is feeling well enough, why not hit some outlet stores together? Providing this service (and these clothes) can help with financial stress as well.

You might write a letter to your friend to read during each trip to the hospital. Some courses can take hours, so an extra card on treatment days can help to boost spirits. You could even come with a friend to provide some company if they don't want to spend time at treatment alone. 

You have to burn a lot of time when you are too ill to go to work, clean, or enjoy other active hobbies. Offering books, music, and movies can make a big difference. 

Donate Some Basic Supplies

One reason chemotherapy patients can feel so isolated and lonely is chemo really knocks down the body's natural immune system. Generally, cancer patients must take many medications to prevent infections and other illnesses, but they also have to stay very clean. You can help by giving supplies to the cause. You might bring a bulk package of paper towels (reusing rags allows for the build-up germs) and hand sanitizer (so people can visit and so your friend can go out). Some people with cancer bruise or bleed easily, so even a gift like and electric razor can be a nice thought because the risk of getting a cut when shaving is much lower. 

For more ideas, contact a local cancer treatment facility. 


25 January 2018

learning how to tend to sick and injured kids

My name is Dan and this is my blog. I am a recently singled father of three that is learning everything about caring for my kids as I go along. Before my wife passed, she was the one that took care of the kids when they were sick or injured, so I had a lot of learning to do and I had to do it as quickly as possible. I got together with some of the parents from my kids' school and they helped out quite a bit. I created my blog for two reasons - to keep my facts straight and to help other parents learn what I have struggled to learn.