Get The Skinny On Fat And Heart Disease


For a very long time, it was believed that any kind of dietary fat—but particularly saturated fat—could increase one's risk of heart disease. In recent years, however, new studies have appeared claiming that fat isn't as evil as doctors and scientists once thought. What's the truth? The simple answer is, fat has a place in your diet. Read on to learn more about this and where you should refocus your efforts to protect your health from heart disease.

27 February 2018

Tips For Helping Someone You Love During Chemo


If someone you love is going through cancer, you might wonder how you can help to make the burden lighter. Dealing with a cancer diagnosis is not only physically draining, but it can be tough emotionally and mentally as well. The support of friends of family can make a huge difference through all the stages of treatment and recovery with cancer care services. One of the most common treatments for cancer is chemotherapy.

25 January 2018

Affected By The Recent Wildfires? How To Help Your Young Child Breathe Easier


If you live near the wildfires, you know how bad the air quality is right now. What you might not know is that even if the air looks clear where you are, it could still contain ash and debris that is harmful to your health. If you have young children, the poor air quality can be even more harmful for their delicate lungs. Until the air has cleared, you need to take special precautions to keep your kids safe, and prevent serious breathing complications.

11 December 2017

What If You Suspect You Have Knee Arthritis?


Some people dismiss knee pain as merely getting older. However, there is a possibility that the pain could be far serious than they realize. Left untreated, the pain could interfere with everyday life. In some instances, the knee pain is the first noticeable sign that someone has arthritis. If you suspect you have arthritis, here is what you need to know. What Are the Symptoms of Arthritis? Knee pain is common with arthritis, but there are other symptoms that you might not realize are signaling towards the condition.

15 August 2017

How To Treat Incisional Hernia With Laparoscopic Incisional Repair


A large incisional hernia makes it hard to breathe and move normally. It occurs when your intestine pushes through your abdominal wall at the site of a previous stomach surgery. This hernia usually occurs near your surgical scar in your abdominal area. It is the result of not being active after having surgery. When your hernia becomes large, it can decrease your quality of life. Read on to find out how to treat incisional hernia with laparoscopic incisional repair.

25 July 2017

The Four Main Responsibilities Of A Neonatal Nurse


Working in neonatal care is one of the most rewarding jobs, but it can also be difficult, as well. Since you are dealing with fragile babies who need more care than a normal infant, it can be challenging, especially if the baby doesn't end up surviving while in the NICU. However, working in neonatal care is more often rewarding because babies tend to come out of their difficult times and are eventually able to go home with their parents.

16 June 2017

Ask Your Eye Doctor About Computer Glasses To Help With Your Eye Strain


If you spend a lot of time working or playing on the computer, you'll probably have eye strain at some point. Computer eye strain gives you blurry vision, tired eyes, and eye redness. Rather than squint at the screen or crane your neck to see better, you should have your eyes examined and ask your eye doctor, like Quality Eye Care, about getting computer glasses. Here is some more information about computer eye strain and how glasses help.

1 June 2017

Three Reasons To Visit Urgent Care For A Physical


Urgent care clinics offer a wide range of medical care services, but not everyone knows that these clinics offer more than just immediate care. If you or your children are in need of a physical, consider these reasons to visit your local urgent care for your appointment. Walk-In Visits In some cases, you may be able to visit the urgent care clinic for a physical without an appointment. This means you and your family can see the doctor when it's convenient for you, and it also provides a handy option if you forgot that your child needed a physical for school or sports.

16 May 2017

What Is A Heart Murmur And How Do You Treat It?


A heart murmur makes your heart beat faster than normal and handle more blood, putting extra stress on the heart valve. A murmur can be caused by several different conditions, such as high blood pressure, anemia, and an overactive thyroid. Many heart murmur cases are mild and do not require any treatment. However, if a doctor determines your heart murmur is severe and can hurt your health, he or she may recommend different treatment options.

24 April 2017

Preparing For At-Home Recovery After Open Heart Surgery


Open heart surgery is a serious procedure. Not only is the actual operation tedious, but the process of recovery is just as strenuous. This is true both when it comes to recovery in the hospital, as well as care in your home. In terms of home care, the more prepared you are, the better your recovery period. Make sure you and your family members know what to do to prepare the home for your arrival from the hospital.

9 April 2017